Sessions de formation

Le projet organise un ensemble de deux sessions de formation par an, dont la moitié dans des zones éloignées ou rurales, avec 15 participants par session. Au cours des formations, les parents et les soignants améliorent leurs aptitudes et leurs compétences clés, y compris l'apprentissage de l'apprentissage, les aptitudes à la communication et le travail d'équipe, ils se familiarisent avec le contenu du kit d'outils et de l'ensemble des méthodes et avec le centre d'apprentissage numérique, ils acquièrent des connaissances sur la santé mentale des enfants après la pandémie et sur les moyens d'intégrer des activités pédagogiques et didactiques à la maison et dans la vie quotidienne, ils ont accès à une consultation (pédo)psychologique et ils reçoivent des informations détaillées et personnalisées sur les possibilités Erasmus+ dont les membres de leur famille peuvent bénéficier. Dix stagiaires par an et par pays sont sélectionnés pour participer à un programme d'appariement - sur la base de leurs performances pendant les formations, de leur motivation, de leur budget temps, et à condition qu'ils aient suivi avec succès le cours en ligne du Digital Learning Centre. La priorité est donnée aux parents et aux accompagnateurs de familles issues de milieux défavorisés et, si la logistique le permet, plus de dix parents peuvent participer.

Training session in Ceutí, Murcia, Spain

On 29 and 30 November 2023, Acción Familiar organized a training session in Ceutí (Murcia), involving 21 participants. The session began with a brief introduction to the We Learn Everywhere project and its objectives. We emphasized the importance of discussing the pandemic and lockdown—a unique and unsettling social event that many of us prefer to […]

Training session in Brussels, Belgium

Involving 12 participants On 19 August 2023, UNESSA organized a training session in Brussels involving 12 participants mainly among parents. Each session was divided into two parts. The first part focused on presenting the We Learn Everywhere project and specifically the accompanying booklet. This segment provided parents and professionals the opportunity to share their experiences […]

Training session in Namur, Belgium

On 18 December 2023, UNESSA organized a training session in Brussels involving 15 participants between daycares professionals and parents. Each session was divided into two parts. The first part focused on presenting the We Learn Everywhere project and specifically the accompanying booklet. This segment provided parents and professionals the opportunity to share their experiences and […]

Training session in Brussels, Belgium

On 15 January 2024, UNESSA organized a training session in Brussels involving 8 participants between daycares professionals and parents. Each session was divided into two parts. The first part focused on presenting the We Learn Everywhere project and specifically the accompanying booklet. This segment provided parents and professionals the opportunity to share their experiences and […]

Training session n.2 in Athens, Greece

Training session in Athens, Greece  On 01 September 2023, WLE partner, SYMPLEXIS, held a training session on the We Learn Everywhere project in Athens, Greece, involving 15 participants.  The training session was an opportunity to present the WLE project to a wide audience in Athens, and focus into the project deliverables, especially the booklet and […]

Training session n. 2 in Ikaria, Greece

Training session in Ikaria, Greece  On 31 January 2024, WLE partner, SYMPLEXIS, held a training session on the We Learn Everywhere project in the Greek island of Ikaria, involving 15 participants.  The training session was an opportunity to present the WLE project to a wide audience in a remote region of Greece, and focus on […]

Second training session in Turin, Italy

Second training session in Turin, Italy  On 30 November 2023, WLE partner, University of Turin (UNITO), held a second training session on the We Learn Everywhere project.  During the training session, the trainers presented the WLE project and delved into the project deliverables, especially the booklet and the set of pedagogical activities. During the training [...]

First training session in Turin, Italy

First training session in Turin, Italy  On 15-17 November 2023, WLE partner, University of Turin (UNITO), held a training session on the We Learn Everywhere project in Turin.  During the training session, the trainers presented the WLE project and delved into the project deliverables, especially the booklet and the set of pedagogical activities. During the [...]

Training session in Ikaria, Greece

Training session in Ikaria, Greece On 28 September 2023, WLE partner, SYMPLEXIS, held a training session on the We Learn Everywhere project in the Greek island of Ikaria, involving 15 participants. The training session was an opportunity to present the WLE project to a wide audience in a remote region of Greece, and focus on [...]

Training session in Athens, Greece

Training session in Athens, Greece On 01 September 2023, WLE partner, SYMPLEXIS, held a training session on the We Learn Everywhere project in Athens, Greece, involving 15 participants. The training session was an opportunity to present the WLE project to a wide audience in Athens, and focus into the project deliverables, especially the booklet and [...]