

Language: Arabic, English, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish
Audience: Professionals

Program P is a resource developed as part of the global MenCare campaign coordinated by Promundo and the Sonke Gender Justice Network.

Skills4Parents Hub

Language: English
Audience: Families

The Skills4Parents Hub is an online platform which hosts five Learning Packages for parents which include articles, case studies, videos, digital resources, quizzes etc.

“The cult of the child: a critical examination on parents, teachers and children”

Language: English
Audience: Professionals

The research “highlights a radical change in child representation” in our society.

A guide to building healthy parent – child relationships

Language: English
Audience: Families

Parenting and learning guide for parents for the creation of positive relationships with children.

Parent Toolkit: A parent – child communication guide. Options for better communication and deeper connections with young people

Language: English
Audience: Families

A guide providing help to parents for facing the challenges in different topics and situations within the family context.

UNICEF parenting

Language: English
Audience: Families

Parenting tips through videos, articles and trainings for the effective communicaition of parent with children ( babies, teenagers) in different topics.

Family Learning Works – The Inquiry into Family Learning in England and Wales

Language: English
Audience: Professionals

Research on Family Learning Approaches and Activities

The State of the World’s Children 2021: On My Mind – Promoting, protecting and caring for children’s mental health

Language: English
Audience: Professionals

The report seeks to deepen knowledge and raise awareness of key issues affecting children and advocates for solutions that improve children’s lives.

Information material on stress management in the coronavirus period

Language: Greek, English, Arabic, Farsi, Urdu
Audience: Families

Resources with activities and information, for children, teenagers and parents, to handle stress and difficult situation during COVID-19.

Impact of COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown measures on mental health of children and adolescents in Greece

Language: English
Audience: Professionals

Mental health effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and the subsequent lockdown measures are expected to be profound. The aim of the present study was to investigate the impact of the pandemic and the lockdown on children’s and adolescents’ mental health in Greece.

Emotional and Behavioral Impact of the COVID-19 Epidemic in Adolescents

Language: English
Audience: Professionals

This review of the literature aims to explore the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and the lockdown on teenagers’ mental health.

Governing quality Early Childhood Education and care in global crisis: first lessons learned from Covid-19 pandemic

Language: English
Audience: Professionals

This report explores the different ways in which European Union (EU) Member States (MS) have attempted to ensure high-quality ECEC (Early Childhood Education and Care) for children and families in the era of COVID-19.