
Las Familias RECONSTITUIDAS la visión de las y los menores

Language: Spanish
Audience: Professionals, All

To analyse the perception that adolescents have of their families of their families and evaluate the influence of this perception on psychological well-being and academic performance.

Educational Resources For Online Learning

Language: Spanish
Audience: Professionals

This space offers information and access to different types of resources.

Adolescence, médias sociaux & santé mentale

Language: French
Audience: Families, Professionals

This note is intended to give meaning to this observation and to summarise what we know about the impact of social media on the mental health of young people.

Prévention du harcèlement et des violences scolaires. Prévenir, agir, réagir…

Language: French
Audience: Families, Professionals

Guidelines to understand bullying at school and help our children to get out of it, illustrations, tool sheets, some rules to communicate and help communications.

Plaidoyer pour la santé mentale en Belgique

Language: French
Audience: Families, Professionals

Seven essential levers for mental health

Valutare la salute mentale, i bisogni, le risorse psicosociali – Strumenti di assessment per i contesti umanitari

Language: Italian
Audience: Professionals

Collection of assessment tools to evaluate mental health, mental health needs and psychosocial resources in humanitarian contexts.

Pandemia, neurosviluppo e salute mentale di bambini e ragazzi

Language: Italian
Audience: Professionals

Research paper summarizing multiple studies on mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic and its effects on children’s and adolescents development

Road to Recovery – Responding to children’s mental health in conflict

Language: English
Audience: Professionals

Resources and information on supporting the mental health of children during wars and conflicts.

Supporto integrato all’adolescenza e alla transizione all’età adulta + Kit Adolescenti

Language: Italian
Audience: Professionals

Online course and informational kit aimed at professionals in order to support the transition from adolescence to adulthood.

The Mother Support Program

Language: Turkish
Audience: All

Ideas for sharing leisure time with the family.

VII Training Italiano certificato sul protocollo video-feedback intervention to promote positive parenting and sensitive discipline (VIPP-SD)

Language: Italian
Audience: Professionals

The VIPP-SD is an evidence-based positive parenting support intervention inspired by the theory of attachment.


Language: Italian
Audience: Professionals

Proposals, methodologies and activities for building a participation path on risk reduction with children and adolescents.