
Unlimited downloads, resources and more

Language: English, Italian, German
Audience: All

At Twinkl, we’ve been providing educators across the world with high quality, trusted teaching and learning resources for over a decade now.

Unlimited downloads, resources and more

Language: English, Italian, German
Audience: All

At Twinkl, we’ve been providing educators across the world with high quality, trusted teaching and learning resources for over a decade now.

Prestazioni a sostegno del nucleo familiare: il Portale delle Famiglie

Language: Italian
Audience: Families

Single point of contact for requesting family-related and parenting-related support and welfare services.

La rete dei servizi per la salute mentale

Language: Italian
Audience: All

List of contacts and information related to mental health services

Valutare la salute mentale, i bisogni, le risorse psicosociali – Strumenti di assessment per i contesti umanitari

Language: Italian
Audience: Professionals

Collection of assessment tools to evaluate mental health, mental health needs and psychosocial resources in humanitarian contexts.

Pandemia, neurosviluppo e salute mentale di bambini e ragazzi

Language: Italian
Audience: Professionals

Research paper summarizing multiple studies on mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic and its effects on children’s and adolescents development

Supporto integrato all’adolescenza e alla transizione all’età adulta + Kit Adolescenti

Language: Italian
Audience: Professionals

Online course and informational kit aimed at professionals in order to support the transition from adolescence to adulthood.

Salute mentale. Fatti e cifre contro lo stigma

Language: Italian
Audience: Families

Collection of general information and statistical data on mental health aimed at reducing stigma.

Avvicinare i bambini alla natura: 3 attività per imparare e divertirsi

Language: Italian
Audience: Families

This article suggests some activities to bring children closer to nature and to help them, from an early age, the importance of respecting and protecting the environment.

Outdoor education: Che cosa si intende con educazione all’aperto e quali benefici

Language: Italian
Audience: Families

This article suggests some educational activities that are not strictly curricular and that are carried out outdoors.

VII Training Italiano certificato sul protocollo video-feedback intervention to promote positive parenting and sensitive discipline (VIPP-SD)

Language: Italian
Audience: Professionals

The VIPP-SD is an evidence-based positive parenting support intervention inspired by the theory of attachment.

Contributi economici alle famiglie

Language: Italian
Audience: Families

Child benefit, birth allowance, birth premium, other economic contributions to families.


Language: Italian
Audience: Professionals

Proposals, methodologies and activities for building a participation path on risk reduction with children and adolescents.

Eco-ansia: come aiutare i bambini ad affrontare la paura dei cambiamenti climatici

Language: Italian
Audience: Families

Suggestions on managing the fear of climate change in children.

Cambiamento climatico: sei consigli su come parlarne a bambini e bambine

Language: Italian
Audience: Families

Some suggestions on how to have a conversation with children about climate change, without ignoring the reality and scale of the problem.

Otto consigli per genitori per parlare del conflitto

Language: Italian
Audience: Families

This resource offers parents some suggestions for dealing with the emergency in Ukraine with their children.