
Guía para prevenir el daño psicológico en tus hijas e hijos

Language: Spanish
Audience: Families

Instrument developed from the experience of people who have separated and have used who have separated and have used strategies that have been strategies that have been useful to them.

MÁS QUE UN MÓVIL La guía que no viene con el móvil

Language: Spanish
Audience: Families

Children and adolescents handle technology since they are very young, but they but they are not always aware of the risks aware of the risks to which they may be they can expose themselves.

Guía de apoyo emocional a familias con hijos e hijas de 3 a 12 años durante la crisis del COVID-19

Language: Spanish
Audience: Families

The purpose of this guide is to provide comprehensive information to families with children between 3 and 12 years of age, to help them to make an effective psychological coping to the crisis situation generated by COVID-19 .

Las Familias RECONSTITUIDAS la visión de las y los menores

Language: Spanish
Audience: Professionals, All

To analyse the perception that adolescents have of their families of their families and evaluate the influence of this perception on psychological well-being and academic performance.

Educational Resources For Online Learning

Language: Spanish
Audience: Professionals

This space offers information and access to different types of resources.

Prevención De Conductas De Riesgo En Adolescentes

Language: Spanish
Audience: Families

Programme to prevent risk behaviours in children and adolescents related to technology abuse, drug use, eating disorders, violent behaviour, school failure, and sexuality.

Adolescence, médias sociaux & santé mentale

Language: French
Audience: Families, Professionals

This note is intended to give meaning to this observation and to summarise what we know about the impact of social media on the mental health of young people.

Prévention du harcèlement et des violences scolaires. Prévenir, agir, réagir…

Language: French
Audience: Families, Professionals

Guidelines to understand bullying at school and help our children to get out of it, illustrations, tool sheets, some rules to communicate and help communications.

Plaidoyer pour la santé mentale en Belgique

Language: French
Audience: Families, Professionals

Seven essential levers for mental health

“La minute parents”: série de capsules vidéos sur le quotidien des parents

Language: French
Audience: Families

Short and practical videos over questions about the everyday life of parents and families (bullying, love, childhood, separation, anxiety, roles of grandparents, eating disorders, brotherhood).

L’impact des médias sur les représentations et l’exercice de la parentalité

Language: French
Audience: Families

The report will appear shortly

Delivering Group Lifestyle Triple P through digital practice: A case study with Portuguese parents

Language: English
Audience: Families

The purpose of the current study was to explore the delivery of the Group Lifestyle Triple P (GLTP) parent group programme through digital practice.

Benefits and challenges in the adoption of evidence-based practices in the child and family services

Language: English
Audience: Families

The Council of Europe’s Recommendation to promote positive parenting, aimed at fostering child development and protecting child rights, has emphasized a preventive approach to support all families…

Be the hand that loves and the word that guides

Language: English
Audience: Families

Today, over 90 per cent of parents agree that violent disciplining is not good for the child. The experience from professional practice and research also confirms its harmfulness.

Adolescent Perception of Maternal Practices in Portugal and Spain: Similarities and Differences

Language: English
Audience: Families

The aim of this study was to compare parenting in two southern European countries, Spain and Portugal, according to adolescent perceptions from a situated perspective.

Are gains in emotional symptoms and emotion-regulation competencies after the REThink therapeutic game maintained in the long run? A 6-month follow-up

Language: English
Audience: Families

Emotional disorders are the most prevalent mental health conditions affecting children and adolescents. Thus, it becomes essential to develop and test early intervention strategies.