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Language: English, Italian, German
Audience: All
At Twinkl, we’ve been providing educators across the world with high quality, trusted teaching and learning resources for over a decade now.
Companion Animals and Child/Adolescent Development: A Systematic Review of the Evidence
Language: English
Audience: Parents
This paper provides an evidence review for the potential associations between pet ownership and emotional, behavioural, cognitive, educational, and social developmental outcomes.
World Maternal Mental Health Day
Language: English
Audience: Parents
World Maternal Mental Health Day draws attention to essential mental health concerns for mothers and families.
Guides for Parents of LGBQ (gay)/Guides for Parents of Transgender
Language: English
Audience: Parents
Has your child just come out as LGBTQ? Are they questioning their identity? Then here is a comprehensive guide as to how to best support them through this process.
Child and adolescent health and well-being
Language: English
Audience: Parents
Communicable diseases continue to endanger children and adolescents across the globe – and new health problems are on the rise, especially in areas affected by poverty.
What does it mean to be a “good enough” parent? How can parents build a stronger relationship with their children? Two child psychology experts discuss hardships and strategies in this podcast episode.
Language: English
Audience: Parents
Being a parent can be tough these days. Dozens of books and articles offer competing answers to questions.
Free resources for families to support children’s mental health
Language: English
Audience: Families
Learn more about the Children’s Mental Health Week which is a mental health awareness week that empowers, equips and gives a voice to all children and young people in the UK.
Prestazioni a sostegno del nucleo familiare: il Portale delle Famiglie
Language: Italian
Audience: Families
Single point of contact for requesting family-related and parenting-related support and welfare services.
La rete dei servizi per la salute mentale
Language: Italian
Audience: All
List of contacts and information related to mental health services
Valutare la salute mentale, i bisogni, le risorse psicosociali – Strumenti di assessment per i contesti umanitari
Language: Italian
Audience: Professionals
Collection of assessment tools to evaluate mental health, mental health needs and psychosocial resources in humanitarian contexts.
Pandemia, neurosviluppo e salute mentale di bambini e ragazzi
Language: Italian
Audience: Professionals
Research paper summarizing multiple studies on mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic and its effects on children’s and adolescents development
Road to Recovery – Responding to children’s mental health in conflict
Language: English
Audience: Professionals
Resources and information on supporting the mental health of children during wars and conflicts.
Supporto integrato all’adolescenza e alla transizione all’età adulta + Kit Adolescenti
Language: Italian
Audience: Professionals
Online course and informational kit aimed at professionals in order to support the transition from adolescence to adulthood.
Salute mentale. Fatti e cifre contro lo stigma
Language: Italian
Audience: Families
Collection of general information and statistical data on mental health aimed at reducing stigma.
Avvicinare i bambini alla natura: 3 attività per imparare e divertirsi
Language: Italian
Audience: Families
This article suggests some activities to bring children closer to nature and to help them, from an early age, the importance of respecting and protecting the environment.
Outdoor education: Che cosa si intende con educazione all’aperto e quali benefici
Language: Italian
Audience: Families
This article suggests some educational activities that are not strictly curricular and that are carried out outdoors.