Road to Recovery – Responding to children’s mental health in conflict
Language: English
Audience: Professionals
Resources and information on supporting the mental health of children during wars and conflicts.
Supporto integrato all’adolescenza e alla transizione all’età adulta + Kit Adolescenti
Language: Italian
Audience: Professionals
Online course and informational kit aimed at professionals in order to support the transition from adolescence to adulthood.
Salute mentale. Fatti e cifre contro lo stigma
Language: Italian
Audience: Families
Collection of general information and statistical data on mental health aimed at reducing stigma.
Avvicinare i bambini alla natura: 3 attività per imparare e divertirsi
Language: Italian
Audience: Families
This article suggests some activities to bring children closer to nature and to help them, from an early age, the importance of respecting and protecting the environment.
Outdoor education: Che cosa si intende con educazione all’aperto e quali benefici
Language: Italian
Audience: Families
This article suggests some educational activities that are not strictly curricular and that are carried out outdoors.
Morcellement des politiques publiques et santé mentale de l’enfant dans les 30 premiers mois
Language: French
Audience: Parents and families
Accueillir et accompagner les pères en période périnatale : un guide à l’attention des professionnels
Language: French
Audience: Parents and families
In this article we offer ideas and suggestions for how to involve, inform, and support fathers during the perinatal period.
Être et devenir un père, ça se soutient … Quelles implications pour les acteurs de première ligne ?
Language: French
Audience: Parents and families
Research about the role of the father figure in the development of babies – to becoming a dad, support the transition.
We Learn Everywhere Final Conference in Brussels
After two years of hard work, the Erasmus+ project We Learn Everywhere is coming to an end. The final conference will present the project's results to promote family well-being in challenging situations and to empower parents and carers regarding children’s mental health, pedagogical & didactic needs.The conference will take place on the 23rd of January [...]
Second training session in Turin, Italy
Second training session in Turin, Italy On 30 November 2023, WLE partner, University of Turin (UNITO), held a second training session on the We Learn Everywhere project. During the training session, the trainers presented the WLE project and delved into the project deliverables, especially the booklet and the set of pedagogical activities. During the training [...]
First training session in Turin, Italy
First training session in Turin, Italy On 15-17 November 2023, WLE partner, University of Turin (UNITO), held a training session on the We Learn Everywhere project in Turin. During the training session, the trainers presented the WLE project and delved into the project deliverables, especially the booklet and the set of pedagogical activities. During the [...]
Training session in Ikaria, Greece
Training session in Ikaria, Greece On 28 September 2023, WLE partner, SYMPLEXIS, held a training session on the We Learn Everywhere project in the Greek island of Ikaria, involving 15 participants. The training session was an opportunity to present the WLE project to a wide audience in a remote region of Greece, and focus on [...]
Training session in Athens, Greece
Training session in Athens, Greece On 01 September 2023, WLE partner, SYMPLEXIS, held a training session on the We Learn Everywhere project in Athens, Greece, involving 15 participants. The training session was an opportunity to present the WLE project to a wide audience in Athens, and focus into the project deliverables, especially the booklet and [...]
Training session in Madrid, Spain
Training session in Madrid, Spain Οn 26 June 2023 WLE partner, Acción Familiar, organised a training session in Madrid. The training started with a short introduction explaining the We Learn Everywhere project and its objectives: We began by highlighting the need to talk about what happened during the pandemic and confinement, as it was a [...]
The Mother Support Program
Language: Turkish
Audience: All
Ideas for sharing leisure time with the family.
Ocio en Familia
Language: Spanish
Audience: Families
Ideas for sharing leisure time with the family.